零件代码 | 产品描述 | 图片 |
HS-AA002-1 | 90º支架,带有BNC隔板插座和防尘罩,用于Ø5mm以下的电缆加速度计 |  |
HS-AA002-1-2 | 90º支架,带有2个BNC隔板插座和2个防尘罩,适用于最大Ø5mm的电缆加速度计 |  |
HS-AA002-1-3 | 90º支架,带有3 x BNC隔板插座和3 x防尘盖,适用于最大Ø5mm的电缆加速度计 |  |
HS-AA002-2 | 90º支架,带BNC隔板插座和防尘罩,适用于最大Ø6.1mm的电缆加速度计 |  |
HS-AA004 | 2路MS插座电缆连接器 |  |
HS-AA005 | 3路MS插座电缆连接器 |  |
HS-AA006 | 内联单向电缆连接器 |  |
HS-AA009 | 串联连接器适配器,2针MS插头– BNC插头 |  |
HS-AA010 | BNC隔板插座安装到电缆加速度计 |  |
HS-AA011 | 3针62GB插座电缆连接器 |  |
HS-AA013 | TNC插头插入BNC插孔适配器 |  |
HS-AA014-1 | BNC插头已安装到Ø5mm的电缆上 |  |
HS-AA014-2 | BNC插头已安装到Ø6.1mm的电缆上 |  |
HS-AA015-1 | BNC插座已安装到Ø5mm的电缆上 |  |
HS-AA015-2 | BNC插座已安装到Ø6.1mm的电缆上 |  |
HS-AA016 | 2路MS90º插座电缆连接器 |  |
HS-AA016-S | 2路MS90º插座电缆连接器,带应力消除 |  |
HS-AA018 | 串联连接器适配器,2针MS插头– BNC插座 |  |
HS-AA020 | Microdot隔板插座焊接连接器 |  |
HS-AA025 | Lemo 7针IP67直连接器 |  |
HS-AA026 | 2路MS插头电缆连接器 |  |
HS-AA030 | BNC隔板插座至插座适配器 |  |
HS-AA038 | 2 x 90º bracket with BNC bulkhead socket & dustcap fitted to cabled accelerometers, 1 BNC marked for vibration, 1 BNC marked for temperature, up to Ø5mm |  |
HS-AA040-NSC | 2 x BNC plugs fitted to cabled accelerometer, 1 BNC markerd for vibration, 1 BNC marked for temperature, accelerometer screen not connected to BNC cases, up to Ø5mm |  |
HS-AA040-SC | 2 x BNC plugs fitted to cabled accelerometer, 1 BNC markerd for vibration, 1 BNC marked for temperature, accelerometer screen connected to BNC cases, up to Ø5mm |  |
HS-AA053 | 2 Pin MS connector with boot for cables ø5.2 connection details |  |
HS-AA054 | 2 Pin MS connector with boot for cables ø4.2 connection details |  |
HS-AA058 | 2 Pin MS Socket Plastic Cable Connector |  |
HS-AA068 | 3 Pin MS connector with boot for cables ø5.2 connection details |  |
HS-AA069 | 3针MS连接器,带保护罩,用于电缆ø4.2 连接细节 |  |
HS-AA072 | TNC直型插座,用于电缆加速度计, 最大Ø5mm |  |
HS-AA134 | 串联连接器适配器 5针M12插头到BNC插座 |  |